W Hotel, Darling Harbour, Sydney - Foyer Floor

W Hotel: Arapido Microcement

  W HOTEL: ARAPIDO MICROCEMENT We recently had the privilege of contributing to the W Hotel at Sydney’s Darling Harbour with our Arapido microcement floor finish. This project showcases the craftsmanship and expertise of our team at Concrete Floor Sydney. We are proud to deliver a project that blends aesthetic appeal, durability, and innovation, perfectly…

Tiffany & Co. Flagship Store Sydney

  MJW Applications recently completed a polished concrete floor at Tiffany & Co.’s flagship store located at 175 Pitt St in the Sydney CBD. The floor is finished with a custom Arapido micro-topping created specifically for Tiffany’s.   The Atrium floor is finished with an Arapido Micro Topping featuring a stainless steel 6mm inlay. Arapido…